Survey Methods and Analysis - Power Supply
There are two major methods of gathering information from customers: qualitative and quantitative.
Quantitative Research (Hard issues and facts)
Qualitative Research (Soft issues and opinions)
Telephone surveys
Self-completion questionnaires
(comment cards)
Postal surveys
Third party surveys
Online surveys
Focus groups/user groups/customer
Face-to-face interviews
Qualitative methods gives feedback from customers on 'soft issues and opinions' and provide the organization an opportunity to probe customers' feelings and attitudes on an in-depth basis. Classic qualitative techniques involve user panels, customer groups, and personal interviews.
Quantitative methods permit the organization to quantify customer opinions within a numerical fashion. Typical quantitative techniques involve telephone surveys, self- completion questionnaires, the monitoring of compliments and complaints, and mystery shopping.
The questionnaire could be designed in a hierarchical structure of several dimensions according to the included business processes. This will facilitate the managerial decision-making process of the organization along with the help of the information produced from this survey. The analysis determines links among the following components. Customers' Satisfaction level with any particular process is influenced by the various dimensions or sub-processes linked with that process. Same, the whole satisfaction level is also depends upon the achievement Level of several processes.