
Supreme court ruling of citizens united v federal election

Part- 1:

Does the Right to Free Speech Extend to Corporations?

This week we studied how under the Supreme Court ruling of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, corporations are afforded free speech. For your essay this week make a case for or against the constitutionality of not allowing a corporation running for office. As part of the assignment, use your position on constitutional interpretation and show how that school of thought informs your position.

In addition to the arguments on corporations and free speech in the text book, use at least one more outside source. Your paper needs to be a minimum of 500 words. Use APA standards. You may not use Wikipedia for a source.

Part- 2:

Global Warming

Underneath parts of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma lies the Ogallala Aquifer. There are dire warnings about the rapid depletion of this vast aquifer. Yet, at the same time, states like Kansas are very much the food production centers of the nation. These food producers use the irrigation that is also draining the aquifer.

For your essay, make a case for curbing or continuing the use of irrigation in states that use the Ogallala Aquifer for water used in irrigation.
In addition to the arguments on global warming in the text book, use one more outside source. Your paper needs to be a minimum of 500 words. Use APA standards. You may not use Wikipedia for a source.

Part- 3:

Global Warming

Please respond to the following discussion topic and submit it to the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length.

To what extent do you allow your overall political philosophy or even your political party influence your feelings about the need to curb global warming? And is there anything wrong with that? Are we even get the real facts and how do we know it?

Part- 4:

Preemptive Strikes

Please respond to the following discussion topic and submit it to the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length.
Do we have the right to attack on a preemptive basis? What do you see as the standards we should use in making that decision? Do you think other nations have the same right and what standards should they use?

Contemporary Political Issues

Preemptive Strikes

We've read both sides of the issue of whether or not the United States is justified in conducting preemptive strikes. But really, this is about us making decisions for ourselves and justifying (or not) it to the rest of the world. For this week's assignment, you will need to take off you "American" hat and take a new job at the United Nations. Your job is to create a standard - a set of conditions if you will - under which any nation in the world may conduct a preemptive attack. What would those conditions be?

Use the cases you've read to write condition more or less strict but you may not argue that there are no conditions.

You should write this as an essay and not as a series of questions to answer. Do not use bullet points nor repeat the questions. Instead, write an essay that flows logically, integrating your answers through the essay.

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