
Supreme court decision in united states versus jones

Project description:

Using LexisNexis through the ESC library page, or findlaw.com, or any other legal-research tool at your disposal, read the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Jones (132 S.Ct. 945 [2012], decided January 23, 2012. In 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point type, brief the decision. In organizing your brief, follow the sequence of steps described in the text, i.e.

- a summary of the key facts of the case

- a statement of the issues for the Court to decide

- the holding of the Court on these issues

- the legal rationale used by the Court in making its decision

In discussing the court’s rationale, you should summarize its reasoning, noting the important case precedent relied upon.

You will note two “concurring opinions,” which you should read, but need only brief the main opinion of Justice Scalia.

All you need to do to look up a court decision in LexisNexis is:

1. log in

2. look below the search box on the front page. Click where it says Look Up A Legal Case to expand that section.

3. Enter the citation or party v. party information in the appropriately labeled search box and click the button

4. To view the full-text, click the link in the search results page. To print/save/email/export it, look for the icons in the upper right of the full-text page.

If you need a tutorial in how to use LexisNexis Academic, go to https://subjectguides.esc.edu/lexisnexis.

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Reference No:- TGS01613549

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