
Supposing that cars are capital intensive relative to shoes

Draw the graph carefully. Please use one graph per country and show both the autarkyand the free trade equilibrium on each graph.

Consider the following data on the factor endowments of two countries A and B:



Factor Endowments



Labor force: L

100 workers

50 workers

Capital Stock: K

60 machines

10 machines

a. Which country is relatively capital abundant? Which country is relatively labor abundant? Explain (calculate the ratios).

b. Supposing that cars are capital intensive relative to shoes, which country will have comparative advantage in the production of cars? Of shoes? Explain.

c. Graphically demonstrate the pre-trade and post-trade equilibrium between these two countries (production and consumption. Draw a Demand Diagonal. Find and label the trade triangles for each country.  

d. Which factor gains and which factor loses when trade arises between these two countries? Explain precisely.

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Econometrics: Supposing that cars are capital intensive relative to shoes
Reference No:- TGS01294500

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