Suppose you are mapping the distance between the locus A and the centromere in Neurospora. You obtain nine types of asci presented below. Some of these asci indicate that ‘gene conversion’ phenomenon associated with the strand exchange without a mismatch repair may have taken place.
A. Which types of asci indicate this? (see digram below..)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a a a a a A A A a
a a a a a A A A a
A a a A a a A A A
A A A A a a a a A
a A a A A a a A A
a A A A A a a a A
A A A A A A a a a
A A A A A A a a a
The answer is 3,8... please show how to acquire this number.
B. With regards to the previous question, which types of asci are compatible with ‘gene conversion’ that involves a mismatch repair in one or two heteroduplex DNA molecules?
The answer is 2, 4, 7..please show how to acquire this number.