Suppose there are two types of Scottish beer, Skullsplitter and Dragonhead Stout. Draw indifference curves for the following consumers (put Skullsplitter on the x-axis andDragonhead Stout on the y-axis).
a. Angus likes variety and prefers to drink Skullsplitter and Dragonhead Stouttogether.
b. Hamish dislikes variety; he likes to drink the same thing all the time.
c. Tam only cares about the alcohol content in his drink; he wants to drink the beerthat contains as much alcohol as possible. Suppose that Skullsplitter has 5%alcohol content and Dragonhead Stout has 10% content. What do Tam'sindifference curves look like?
d. If Archibald's indifference curves are upward sloping, what does this say aboutSkullsplitter and Dragonhead Stout for him?