Question: The observed bid and ask of stock XYZ are 15.57 and 15.71, respectively. XYZ has an estimated annualized return volatility of 25%. Assume sspread=0.005 and 250 trading days in one year.
a. Estimate the 1-day, 95% VaR of a 5,000 share position in stock XYZ.
b. Estimate the 1-day 95% LVaR of the position, using the constant spread approach.
c. Estimate the LVaR to VaR ratio using the exogenous spread approach.
d. Suppose the position represents 10% of the size of the market and price elasticity of demand for stock XYZ is -0.6. Calculate the LVaR to VaR ratio using the endogenous price approach.
e. Calculate the combined LVaR to VaR ratio incorporating both exogenous and endogenous effects.