Now that you know more about ConnectSpree's network, you begin drawing a map of its devices and connections, starting with its internal LAN. Suppose the company's LAN consists of six workgroup switches and four routers (and no hubs). The workgroup switches are distributed one to a floor in the ConnectSpree building, but employees belonging to the company's departments- Accounting, Human Resources, Engineering, and Customer Service-are not on the same floor as the rest of the employees in their departments. The company's four internal servers are located with the routers in one data room on the first floor. Make a sketch of how the devices on this network might be physically connected. Include all switches, routers, and servers, plus a few workstations from each department. Next used dashed lines to indicate the path that data would travel between a workstation in the Accounting Department on one floor to another Accounting Department workstation on a different floor.