
Suppose that we set grain-size 1 what is the parallelism

Implementing parallel loops using nested parallelism

Consider the following multithreaded algorithm for performing pairwise addition on n-element arrays A[1 .. n] and B[1.. n], storing the sums in C[1.. n]:


1 parallel for i = 1 to A. length

2 C[i] = A[i] + B[i]

a. Rewrite the parallel loop in SUM-ARRAYS using nested parallelism (spawn and sync) in the manner of MAT-VEC-MAIN-LOOP.

Analyze the parallelism of your implementation.

Consider the following alternative implementation of the parallel loop, which contains a value grain-size to be specified:

1 n = A. length

2 grain-size = ? // to be determined

3 r = [n/grain-size]

4 for k = 0 to r - 1

5 spawn ADD-SUBARRAY(A,B,C, k . grain-size + 1, min((k + 1) . grain-size, n))

6 sync


1 for k = i to j

2 C[k]= A[k]+ B[k]|

b. Suppose that we set grain-size = 1. What is the parallelism of this implementation?

c. Give a formula for the span of SUM-ARRAYS0 in terms of n and grain-size.

Derive the best value for grain-size to maximize parallelism.

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Basic Computer Science: Suppose that we set grain-size 1 what is the parallelism
Reference No:- TGS01376841

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