
Suppose that the potential seen by a neutron in a nucleus

a) Suppose that the potential seen by a neutron in a nucleus can be represented (in one dimension) by a square well of width 10^12 cm with very walls. What is the minimum kinetic energy of the neutron in this potential, in Mev?

b) Can an electron be confined in a nucleus? Answer the question using the following outline or some other method?

i) Using the same assumption as in a) - that the nucleus can be represented as a one-dimensional infinite square well of width 10^12cm - calculate the minimum kinetic energy, in MeV. of an electron bound within the nucleus.

ii) Calculate the approximate coulomb potential energy, in MeV, of an electron at the surface of the nucleus, compared with its potential energy at infinity. Take the nuclear charge to be +50e.

iii) Is the potential energy calculated in ii) sufficient to bind the electron of the kinetic energy calculated in i)?

"An introduction to Quantum Physics" by French and Taylor.

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Physics: Suppose that the potential seen by a neutron in a nucleus
Reference No:- TGS01264062

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