Consider Association rule (4.1) below, which was mined from the student database at Big-University:
Major(X,"science) => status(X,"undergrad") (4.1)
Suppose that the number of students at the university (i.e. the number of task relevant data tuples) is 5000, that 56% of undergraduates at the university major is science, that 64% of the students are registered in programs leading to undergraduate degrees, and that 70% of the students are majoring in science.
a) Compute the confidence & support of rule (4.1)
b) Consider rule (4.2) below:
major(X, "biology") => status(X, "undergrad") [17%, 80%] (4.2)
Suppose that 30% of science students are majoring in biology. Would you consider (4.2) to be novel with respect to rule (4.1)? Explain.