Suppose markets expect the dollar to depreciate against the

An investor believes the market has systematically over-valued the dollar, and proceeds to short dollars (betting the dollar will fall in value by enough, i.e.,that E will rise by enough). His investment scheme is as follows:

1. Borrow Et dollars at date t. Promise to repay them at date t + 1, with interest at rate iUS.

2. Bet the price of dollars will fall enough, i.e., bet that Et+1 > Eby enough:

  • Buy 1 pound for Et dollars at date t
  • Earn interest, ending up with 1 + iB pounds
  • Buy dollars at date t + 1, obtaining Et+1(1 + iB) dollars for your 1 + iBpounds
  • Repay the loan. With interest, the repayment is Et(1 + iUS) dollars

a.) What is the condition for positive profits?

b.) Is it sufficient that Et+1 > Et? Why or why not?

c.) Suppose markets expect the dollar to depreciate against the pound. In order to make a profit, what must happen to E relative to market expectations?

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Business Management: Suppose markets expect the dollar to depreciate against the
Reference No:- TGS01605064

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