
Suppose magnetic monopoles may exist first start off by

Suppose Magnetic monopoles may exist, first start off by writing maxwells equations in electro- and magneto-statics and also write down the usual Lorentz force law for a charge in E and B fields. Now modify these 5 equations to allow for the possibility of magnetic "charges", or magnetic monopoles , existing in nature. (Dont forget to think about moving magnetic charges, "magnetic currents"!) think carefully about the units of any/all new constants you introduce. (Try to express things in terms of SI base units, I think that helps a lot. In particular - what would be a good guess for the SI units for your new "magnetic charge?" (The "force law" you write down may be quite helpful in this respect). Based just on units, can you make some guesses for the new constants? Can you make the full set of equations look especially symmetrical and lovely? Can you perhaps see why physicists have looked so long and hard for magnetic monopoles? As a result of these equations, write down a "coulombs law" for the force between static magnetic monopoles. You may decide that there is some ambiguity in your answers to many of these questions - what experiments can you propose to settle any questions?

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Physics: Suppose magnetic monopoles may exist first start off by
Reference No:- TGS0817384

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