
Suppose i wanted to know whether it takes someone longer to

Suppose I wanted to know whether it takes someone longer to match pictures depending upon the rotational orientation of the pictures. I pick 10 simple pictures of objects such as chairs and fruit and present one picture on the left and one on the right to 30 participants. Half the time the objects match and the participant should push the match button and half the time they don't match and a second button should be pushed. When the objects match, a third of the time the one on the right is rotated 0 degrees, 90 degrees, or 180 degrees respectively. I measure the time to press the match button in these three cases. I expect that it will take longer to press the button the greater the rotation. What is the dependent variable?

1.The time to press the button.
2.The degree of rotation of the right picture.
3. Which picture is being presented.
4. The number of participants.

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Other Subject: Suppose i wanted to know whether it takes someone longer to
Reference No:- TGS0761850

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