Suppose fxng is a stationary markov chain with state

1. Let fXng be a stationary Markov chain with transition matrix and a one-to-one function. Define Yg.Xn/. Prove that fYng is a Markov chain, and characterize as well as you can the transition probability matrix of fYng.

2. (Loop Chains). Suppose fXng is a stationary Markov chain with state space and transition probability matrix .

(a) Let Y.Xn; XnC1/. Show that Yis also a stationary Markov chain.

(b) Find the transition probability matrix of Yn.

(c) How about Y.Xn; XnC1; XnC2/? Is this also a stationary Markov chain?

(d) How about Y.Xn; XnC1;::: ; XnCfor a general 1?

2. (Dice Experiments). Consider the experiment of rolling a fair die repeatedly. Define

(a) XD the number of sixes obtained up to the nth roll;

(b) XD the number of rolls, at time n, that a six has not been obtained since the last six.

Prove or disprove that each fXng is a Markov chain, and if they are, obtain the transition probability matrices.

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Dissertation: Suppose fxng is a stationary markov chain with state
Reference No:- TGS01290457

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