
Suppose a is a real symmetric matrix if the eigen-values of

Part A -

(a) Suppose A is a real symmetric matrix. If the eigen-values of A equal to only 0 and 1 then prove that A is idempotent.

(b) Let A be a real symmetric idempotent matrix. Show that tr(A = rank(A).

(c) Let A be a square matrix, and U is an orthogonal matrix. Prove that tr(UTAU) = tr(A).

Part B -

Consider random variables X1, . . . , XK. They are not necessarily independent. E(Xj) = μj and Var(Xj) ≤ σ2 < ∞ or all j = 1, . . . , K. We are interested in bounding from below the probability P(max1≤j≤K{|Xj - μj|} ≤ t).

(a) Use the property

P(max1≤j≤k{|Xj - μj|} ≤ t) = 1 - P(∃j : |Xj - μj| > t)

the union bound

P(∃j : |Xj - μj| > t) ≤ j=1K P(|Xj - uj| > t),

And the Chebyshev's inequality for each summand:

P(|Xj - μj| > t) ≤ E(|Xj - μj|2)/t2 ≤ σ2/t2

To derive a lower bound on P(max1≤j≤K{|Xj - μj|} ≤ t) depending on t, K and σ2.

(b) Write a lower bound on P(max1≤j≤K{Xj} ≤ t) under the additional condition: E{exp(Xjh)} < ∞ for all h > , using the exponential Chebyshev's inequalities for each Xj.

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Mathematics: Suppose a is a real symmetric matrix if the eigen-values of
Reference No:- TGS02267798

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