
Support or refute assertion using course readings

Write a 5 page analytical essay on one of the topics listed below, using at least two of the assigned readings from this semester. This paper must be doubled spaced, have 1″ margins, and be in a WORD doc format. I would prefer a Times New Roman font at 12 pt size.

This paper must have a clear, concise thesis statement that makes an argument. Support for this argument must come from direct quotations from the texts, using proper MLA in-text citations.

Remember! In order to have a strong paper you MUST have a strong thesis. This thesis must answer a why or how type questions & not be a statement of fact. You are trying to prove a point with this essaythe thesis is the point. Provide specific examples to support the thesis and analyze them to show how the examples prove this claim.

Please choose one of the following that you feel most comfortable writting about. After which I will then upload the readings according to your choise of topic

1. Susan Brownmiller and others claim that we live in a rape culturea culture in which rape is common and is condoned, normalized, and excused via prevalent norms, attitudes, and practices. Support or refute this statement using the course readings.

2. Feminist critic bell hooks asserts that we live in a “white, supremacist, capitalist patriarchy.” Support or refute that assertion using the course readings.

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Reference No:- TGS01434861

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