
Supply chain integration

Case Study:

Supply Chain Integration

I want you to choose an organization (either Goodyear Tires or Walmart) to examine throughout the rest of the course. It may be one you work for or it may not, but you will need to use it throughout the semester to examine its logistics functions for the SLP assignments.

For this first assignment paper you should discuss the structure of this organization and its supply chain integration in 4 pages (not including the cover sheet or reference page). DO NOT use the same organization for two different classes for your papers.


Research the organization with information you can find on the internet or other resources you find on your own. The paper should be 4 pages in length and have a cover sheet and a reference page. Clarity of presentation is important, as well as your ability to apply the topics to the logistics area of your selected firm. Use at least 3 different sources of information and annotate your sources of information appropriately on your references page and within the text as necessary. You will be assessed on how well you demonstrate your knowledge of the topic as it applies to your selected firm.


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Business Management: Supply chain integration
Reference No:- TGS01790028

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