
Supplier relations in the automotive industry

Discuss the below:

Term paper on the subject: Supplier Relations in the Automotive industry

Suggested structure is as follows:

Title Page: This should indicate the title of the term paper, your name, course number and course title, semester, and the date on which you are submitting the paper.

Executive Summary Page: this page should follow the title page. This should contain the topic title and a brief summary (highlights) of the paper. This is more or less like an abstract. This is intended for someone who does not have time to read your entire paper, but would like to know your major findings. This should about 10 to 15 lines.

Body of the paper: This is where you write your major part of the paper. This should obviously start with the title of the paper. Then, you should organize the content into sections - most papers start with introduction, and then subsequent sections contain the rest of the paper. Each section should have a subtitle - such as, for example, "Prior Studies" or "Competitive Nature of Industry".... It is also customary for the paper to end with a Conclusions section. You may put in graphs, and tables in the paper as needed.

Bibliography: The paper should finally end with a list of sources that you used to write the paper. You should list only those sources that you consulted or looked into. There are several format for listing references - I suggest that you use the similar to the ones provided in the textbook

It is very important that you write the paper in your own words. Do not copy from the documents, textbooks or journals. It is acceptable to cite the material from a source by putting it in quotes.

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Other Subject: Supplier relations in the automotive industry
Reference No:- TGS01840803

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