
Sunny co is a manufacturing firm sunny cos current value of

Sunny Co. is a manufacturing firm. Sunny Co.'s current value of operations, including debt and equity, is estimated to be $20 million. Sunny Co. has $8 million face-value zero coupon debt that is due in three years. The risk-free rate is 6%, and the volatility of companies similar to Sunny Co. is 60%. Sunny Co.'s performance has not been very good as compared to previous years. Because the company has debt, it will repay its loan, but the company has the option of not paying equity holders. The ability to make the decision of whether to pay or not looks very much like an option.

Based on your understanding of the Black-Scholes option pricing model (OPM), calculate the following values and complete the table (Note: Use 2.7183 as the approximate value of e in your calculations).

A) Solve for below:

Sunny Co. Value (Millions of Dollars)

Equity Value Select from: $14.85, $12.73, $13.43, or $14.14

Debt Value Select from: $5.86, $5.15, $7.27, or $6.57

Debt Yield Select from: 11.83%, 11.50%, 11.72%, or 10.96%

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Financial Management: Sunny co is a manufacturing firm sunny cos current value of
Reference No:- TGS01246802

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