
Summerton high school has three open positions for teachers

Human Resource Management (HR)

1. Summerton High School has three open positions for teachers. The school's HR   personnel contact the candidates who meet the school's minimum requirements, and     they are interviewed by subject matter experts. The selected short list of candidates then appears before a panel of members from the school board for the final interview. Management hires the three best candidates based on the final interview. Which of the following describes this method of selection?

Multiple-hurdle model

Nondirective model

Leadership model

Compensatory model

Behavior description model

2. Buildtron Inc., a construction firm, is in need of a construction superintendent, whose primary responsibilities involve organizing, supervising, and inspecting the work of several subcontractors. Buildtron administers a construction-error recognition test,   where an applicant has to enter a shed that has 25 construction errors and has to record   as many of these errors as can be detected. What type of validity is being established in this case?

Concurrent validity

Predictive validity

Construct validity

Content validity

Representative validity

3. Irene is filling out an application form for the position of an elementary school teacher. While she is filling it out, she comes across a section that asks for information about her high school, college, courses, and grades. Which of the following sections of the application form is being referred to here?

Mailing address

Racial details

Work experience


Educational background

4. Juan takes a test in which the questions are of varying levels of difficulty. As the   questions become harder, his scores go down. In this context, which of the following accurately shows the correlation factor between the difficulty levels of the questions and Juan's scores?

A) -0.24                B) 0.5                    C) -0.92                D) 0.98                  E) 0

5. Which of the following exemplifies a generalizable test?

Utopia Corp. uses a test that has a probability of zero random error to recruit its employees.

Intratel Inc. uses the same test for selecting candidates for different job profiles in two different countries.

Sellatra Corp. uses a test that provides greater economic value than its cost for recruitment.

Nyx Corp. uses a test that simulates specific job conditions that an employee will experience while in that position.

ZingUp Inc. uses a test that is relevant to the specific job roles for which it recruits employees.

6. Harley wants to build a startup company with a small number of people working for him. He decides to do all the hiring himself. Antonio, a friend of Harley's, who is also a lawyer, wants to warn Harley about the risk of discrimination complaints by applicants who were not hired. Which of the following arguments must Antonio use to warn   Harley?

Interviews are objective, so they have the potential of assessing candidates based on questions not related to the job.

Interviews are narrow and standardized, so they do not allow interviewers to test the integrity of interviewees with   ease.

Interviews are expensive, so their validity and reliability is always in question.

Interviews require polygraph tests, which give the interviewer an opportunity to ask questions that can violate the privacy rights of the   interviewee.

Interviews are subjective, so they have the potential of assessing candidates based on questions not related to the job.

7. An international car manufacturing company wants to hire new employees for its new assembly unit. As part of the selection process, the applicants are required to assemble a mini model of one of the company's products. They are judged on their speed, ability to follow a set of instructions, and coordination skills. What type of validity is being established in this scenario?

Predictive validity

Content validity

Construct validity

Concurrent validity

Diagnostic validity

8. The results of a personality test are the most reliable. (True/False?)

9.Stronx Consulting implements a training program for its employees. The pretest and posttest do not show any significant variation in the competency, skill, or knowledge of the employees. The management concludes that the training program was futile. Which   of the following, if true, would weaken the management's conclusion?

Posttests and pretests are very complex, and Stronx Consulting should have used a simpler form of evaluation.

The posttest was conducted immediately after the completion of the training program.

The actual impact of the training can only be evaluated by comparing the performance of employees who underwent training and those who did not.

The duration of the training was three months, which is comparatively short when compared to the duration of many other training programs.

The posttest evaluated employees for similar levels of knowledge, skill, and competency as the pretest.

10. Level On, a firm that creates games for mobile devices and PCs, has a unique training program for all its new employees. The program lasts for five days and does not involve doing any work. During this period, the trainees are helped to settle in and understand    the work culture at Level On. Among other things, the trainees learn about the     company, its work culture, various department functions, their own job roles, and the   roles of other employees. The form of training method used for new employees at Level On is known as ________.


sensitivity training




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HR Management: Summerton high school has three open positions for teachers
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