
Summary recap what you have covered and restate your thesis

Homework: Analysis Essay

Choose a moral theory and a moral issue listed below to critically discuss:

Sexual Morality - Adultery, Homosexuality

Drugs & Addiction - Addiction, Paternalism, Decriminalization, Criminalization

In this essay, you will choose a moral theory and a moral issue to critically discuss. You will introduce your chosen ethical theory, and then describe how that theory contributes to our understanding and evaluation of a particular ethical issue.

Your first paragraph will introduce the topic at hand, the ethical theory, and state how the ethical theory applies to the issue in your thesis statement. For example, your thesis might look like this: "Consequentialism favors the legalization of drug use because the consequences of prohibition are worse than those of legalizing drug use. Or: "Virtue ethics rejects drug use because the virtuous person would never use mind-altering drugs." Two things to note here: First, I am not looking for your opinion on the issue. Instead, I am looking for your ability to apply ethical theory to a specific issue. Second, an ethical theory may well be used to support opposing conclusions on an issue. There may simply be a dispute, not in what theory to use, but in what the consequences actually are or would be, what the virtuous person would do, and so on.

Your second paragraph will introduce and explain your chosen ethical theory. State what the source of value is according to that theory, and what types of actions are considered right and wrong.

Your third paragraph will explain what the moral issue is that you are discussing, introducing at least two sides of the debate.

Your fourth paragraph will describe how the ethical theory applies to the issue at hand, and what guidance the ethical theory gives to us when we are faced with this issue. Give reasons and/or examples of why this ethical theory prescribes the actions that it does.

Your fifth paragraph, your conclusion, will briefly restate your findings, stating that theory X concludes Y about issue Z, for reasons A, B, and C.

Your paper should include explicit reference to one or more of the readings in the Timmons text.

Further Writing Guidelines:

A. State your thesis statement clearly in your introduction; state the issue or position, and what your response is.

B. Structure your argument in logical order, your conclusion is supported by premises, premises are supported by reasons. Illustrate your claims with examples.

C. Anticipate objections to your position and demonstrate why your position is more plausible.

D. Summary should briefly recap what you've covered and restate your thesis.

E. Have someone read and comment on your first draft and revise accordingly.

F. When you paraphrase or quote someone else's work, provide a proper citation. Failure to do so is plagiarism and is grounds for failing the homework.

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

1. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: Summary recap what you have covered and restate your thesis
Reference No:- TGS03188975

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