
Summary of the selection process


Instructions for Group Paper - Selection System Evaluation

As mentioned on the syllabus, you are required to summarize and evaluate an existing selection system used by a company to hire suitable applicants. This will need you to interview someone (e.g., a human resource manager or recruiter) who is knowledgeable of the hiring process at their place of employment. It is fine if the interviewee is someone you already know (e.g., a friend, relative, or coworker) so long as they can provide accurate and detailed information about the selection process. The paper should be no more than 15 pages of text in length (double-spaced with 11 or 12-point font; not counting title page, references, tables, etc.). Please include the questions that your group asked during the interview in an appendix (the appendix does not count towards the page limit). Thedue dateisApril 17, 2014. Please note that your paper will be kept confidential--only I will read it (you should also convey this information to the interviewee). If desired, the name of the interviewee and the company s/he works for can remain anonymous. The paper is worth 70 points in total, and the point breakdown is as follows:

a. Description of the job

b. Provide a brief description of the job being hired for. The description does not have to be an elaborate job analysis, but indicate what the most essential tasks are (and by extension, what the most essential knowledge, skills, abilities, etc., are) for the job in question. This information will be useful for you when evaluating and offering suggestions on how to improve the selection system.

ii. Summary of the recruitment process
a. Describe the different strategies that the company uses to attract and recruit applicants. Which strategies tend to produce the largest number of applicants? What about the most qualified applicants?

iii. Summary of the selection process

a. Describe the selection process that is used by the company, beginning at the point when applications are received up to and including how applicants are chosen. Be sure to discuss: (a) the criteria/teststhat are used to select/reject applicants; (b) the type (e.g., content, criterion-related) of validation evidence, if any,for these criteria/tests; (c) how they are combined or weighted if multiple criteria/tests are used; and (d) the steps, if any, that are taken to comply with equal employment opportunity practices.

iv. Evaluation of the selection system

a. In your opinion, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the selection system? Explain why you think certain practices are appropriate or inappropriate, and how might you change them in order to improve the process?

v. Incorporation of material from class and the readings

a. I would like to see you provide support for your evaluation and recommendations using information and evidence discussed in class and in the textbook.Interview questions

• What are the essential job positions for the company and what are the most important tasks and responsibilities for these jobs?
Aramco is the biggest Oil and Gas industry in the globe with over 55,000 employees who come from different backgrounds and ethnicities. There are thousands of critical jobs shared mainly between the field of engineering and business.

* Petroleum Engineer Unconventional Specialist:

They shape the future of unconventional resources exploration and producing at Saudi Aramco through ensuring appropriate well completion designs, cost effective fracturing programs tailored to numerous reservoirs, field development planning and studies on related projects

*Management Consulting:

Designs and implements organizational development solutions to support evolving business changes and organizational capacity.

• What are the strategies that Saudi Aramco use to attract and recruit desirable applicants? which strategy produces the largest pool of applicants?

Aramco targets its most talent through many different ways: Sponsoring the brightest high school students to pursue their college degree, headhunting strategy to target the high profile specialists and consultants, website & Social Media to attract those who are interested to join the company. The largest tools applicant is through direct hiring through the website as Aramco is a well known company in the middle east.

• After recruiting, please describe the selection process steps beginning when the application are received.

The application is submitted through our main website https://careers.jobsataramco.eu/, Then the applicants will go through an assessment in case there was an opening for his/her specific major and background, then we assign an interview to each applicants depending on their resume and the department vacancies & needs. After conducting the interview, we send a formal employment request in case the chosen department was interested to hire the applicant.

• explain the criteria or tests that used during the process, and the type of validation evidence, if existed, for these tests, and the way they are weighted if more than one test existed.

The applicants go through Math, English and Personality assessment. Each applicants need to pass a minimum score to be eligible to move into the next step which is the interview.

• Please describe the steps used to comply with equal employment practices, if any.

Aramco is a global company that have different subsidiaries in Asia, USA and Europe. The main office is in Saudi Arabia and each location complies with the standard, employment practice, polices, and ethical consideration of the complies location.

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HR Management: Summary of the selection process
Reference No:- TGS01823133

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