
Summary of the key finding of the articleparticipants in

Four short papers needed, every paper follow the same instruction.

This paper will summarize the attached research journal article. Please include, in your own words:

Summary of the key finding of the article

Participants in the study (how many, what age/gender, where they came from or how were they selected)

Describe the independent variable (what groups were compared, or what was done to the participants)

Describe the dependent variable (what was measured)

In your opinion, what is the most problematic flaw or limitation of the study?

Use APA style citations as needed throughout your paper, and an APA style reference at the end

Please use narrative format (paragraphs) rather than bullet points. Papers should be a minimum of 500 words. Points will be taken off for spelling and grammar errors.

Article 1 : Mobile Therapy: Use of Text-Messaging in the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa
By Jennifer R. Shapiro, Stephanie Bauer, Ellen Andrews,Emily Pisetsky, Brendan Bulik-llivan Robert M. Hamer, PhD1,Cynthia M. Bulik, PhD

Article 2 : A Resilience-Oriented Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Results of a Preliminary Randomized Clinical Trial
By Martha Kent,Mary C. Davis and Shannon L. Stark,Laura A. Stewart

Article 3 : Beating Bipolar: exploratory trial of a novel internet-based psychoeducational treatment for bipolar disorder
By Daniel J Smitha, Emily Griffithsa, Ria Poolea, Arianna di Florioa, Emma Barnesa , Mark J Kellyb, Nick Craddocka, Kerenza Hoodb and Sharon Simpsonb

Article 4 : Efficacy of a prevention program for postpartum obsessiveecompulsive symptoms
By Kiara R. Timpano a,Jonathan S. Abramowitz b, Brittain L. Mahaffey b, Melissa A. Mitchell c ,Norman B. Schmidt c

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Dissertation: Summary of the key finding of the articleparticipants in
Reference No:- TGS02239284

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