
Summary of the business that the company is engaged


Small groups will be randomly formed. Each team will then be given an opportunity to select one of the companies above for their presentation project. Each team will be responsible for completing a PowerPoint presentation, which will be presented in front of the class at the end of the semester. Each presentation must contain the following sections:

1. Company overview that will include a summary of the business that the company is engaged (products and services) in, where the company is headquartered, how many employees it has, whatthe annual revenues have been for the past five years, what markets the company does business in around the world (regions of the world, i.e. Asia etc.) and the stock price performance for the past five years (or in the case of FB, TWTR, LNKD, which recently began trading publicly, as much data as is available) .

2. An overview of the firm's competitors, and a SWOT analysis. In your SWOT analysis, please brainstorm ways the company could embrace, improve, face, and/or overcome theirstrengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You may also wish to report on other issues the company is experiencing i.e. management transition at Apple due to the passing of Steve Jobs.

3. Management challenges. What challenges has the business faced recently, and what potential barriers do you see in the future? Discuss how you believe the company might consider reshaping itsmarketing and management strategic plans to be more effective, especially given the recent global economic recession. This is where you can be most creative. Try to put yourselves in the role of the executive leadership team of the company and discuss innovative ways you think the company might increase its chances of success.

Each PowerPoint should contain a cover page with the names of the team members, the name of the company being analyzed, the course name, and the date. The presentations should be approximately 10-12 slides. At the end of the PowerPoint should be a list of all references and citations. Each group will have 20 minutes to give their presentation and answer questions. All group members are expected to participate in the presentation.

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Project Management: Summary of the business that the company is engaged
Reference No:- TGS01813734

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