
Summary of meeting notes with librarian

Can you read the given file and combine and summarize the individual meeting notes in 1-2 pages?

"Each student is expected to meet (in-person, by phone, Skype or other communication means) with a reference librarian at University and discuss their research topic with the goal in mind to learn about use of University's database sources relevant to student's research topic. Each student is expected to write a summary of meeting notes."

See the description.

Summary of Meeting Notes with University Reference Librarian:

She told me the steps that outline a simple and effective strategy for finding information for a research paper and documenting the sources you find. Depending on your topic and your familiarity with the library, you may need to rearrange or recycle these steps. Adapt this outline to your needs. We are ready to help you at every step in your research.

I learned about the use of University’s database sources that are related to my research topic from three different sources; two reference Liberians (x - y) and library supervisor .

All three librarians guided me to the library guide set by Business Analysis (BUSN650) and how to use the five tabs. I thought that the search tips they pointed out such as Boolean operators & Truncation were very helpful, as well as how to narrow down my search by modifying it.

Key Word Search:

Some of the key words that can be useful for my search topic. I instructed to be as specific as possible in my search by using quotation marks to get the best results related to my search topic. I was also told to look at the suggest topics box at the top of the result page, this will help find keywords to use for other articles.


Two search databases were recommended; ProQuest Central and OLCL First Search.

We used ProQuest to search for one of the key words related to my search topic, we talked about OLCL first search and how it is more educational.

I can also try using the topics tab in ProQuest or subject guide in academic onefile. This will provide subject headings to find articles as well.

On Saturday- I had an opportunity to learn about the services available to me as a student at the Library.  When I had called the library, I spoke with who immediately directed me to the library guide set up for my Business Analysis (BUSN650) course.  It is located at website http…..  At this website, there is a wealth of resources available for the purposes of research needed for this class.  For example, there are databases available containing lists of journal articles, library catalogs for books, web resources, etc.

I was then directed toward the Find Articles tab that gave me the list of databases for research based on key words that are applicable to the topic I have chosen for my research proposal. Some recommended key words to use for my research topic are: hotels and motels, liquidation, inventory management, inventory, sales, retailing industry, inventory control, and turnover. It was recommended to utilize the Proquest Central and Academic OneFile databases. In Proquest, there is a results page that highlights suggested topics to assist with narrowing down a search.  Another option is the Topics tab that will give different subject headings to look at. When a search is done, it will provide a list of subject headings where documents can be viewed under that heading or assist to narrow down the search further.  In Academic OneFile, the subject guide may also be useful with research.

I spoke to the reference librarian on the telephone and the librarian was helpful; I learned that she had created a class guide for this specific course on the internet at website, this link is there for students to have a lot of valuable and useful resources. I believe this class guide when be useful to me because it will help me find relatable literature that can help me with my research and project. If I have any further questions I will again refer back to the to the reference librarian.

Subject:  Meeting with
Date: October 28, 2011
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm

Meeting with Reference Librarian has been a great start of my research paper which will lead me all my MBA classes..

Databases: she suggested that the following databases would be of most benefit for my research topic.

  • Proquest central
  • Academic Onefile, 
  • General Onefile, and
  • Opposing viewpoints in context
  • Global issues in context (international)

Searching tips: She provided me with the keyword search tips that I will use while conducting my search:

First, using quotation marks on the phrase that I am searching, this will make sure that the database looks up documents with the phrase.

Then, insert an asterisk at the end of a word for the database to bring up variations the word in plural.

Finally, use of “AND” and “OR” with keywords will give you more specific information.

Databases to Use:

-Academic OneFile

-Opposing Viewpoints (very current articles, stories)


* Most prestigious, reliable information comes from scholarly journals

Searched scholarly journals

-Search results were limited, so decided to search books

Searched books

-Results were plentiful, found multiple books with direct relation to the research proposal

Discussed further that books were going to be my key source of information, but to keep testing different keywords in the databases as I might find some articles relevant to my proposal.

The databases that suggested would be of most benefit for my research topic is Proquest, Academic Onefile, GeneralOne file, and Opposing viewpoints in context. Opposing viewpoints in context seems to have the most current information on my topic, and as referred in the title of the database, it provides different views on a particular topic.

Searching tips:

She provided me with the following keyword search tips to use while conducting a search:

• Using quotation marks on the phrase that I am searching will make sure that the database looks up documents with the exact phrase and not parts of the phrase.

• Using an asterisk at the end of a word for the database to bring up variations the word for example television* will also bring up televisions

• The uses of “AND” and “OR” with keywords.


I found my meeting with her to be very enlightening and insightful because information will not only be beneficial for the research project in this class, but I will use those same tools in the rest of my MBA classes.

Key Word Search – start search from broad and continue to narrow down search

Using quotes to surround your subject will make that specific phrase searchable.

Key word searches in most online databases will bring up specific subject searches.  These can be a narrowed down version of what you are looking for.

Potential Databases:

• ProQuest
• Academic Onefile
• EBSCO – these are ebooks and will provide the entirety of the text in a PDF format
• Opposing Viewpoints – brings up mostly newspaper articles

To request an article go to the Library section and scroll down to the Materials Request form*.

*Any abstract, book, or DVD can be requested from the librarian.  Most of these are free of charge although there can be a charge for DVD’s.  One needs to think ahead on requests as some can take up to a week or 10 days depending on the item requested.  Most of the time articles can be emailed as an attachment to your inbox.

Other Potential Reference Materials:

• Class Guides:  Business 650 – can research articles from here
• Small business resource center: provides business topics.  Can access accounting and fraud articles

Type 650 in the Search bar:  Brings you to BUSN650 materials to access for this class.  These pages in the BUSN 650 Business Analysis guide contain your search terms:    This will give you materials pertaining to this course.  You can click on the tabs across the top to: Find Articles Browse the Library, Web Resources, Citing Sources, Search Terms.

We discussed my topic for research as pertains to unemployment.  I want to explore people’s experiences after becoming unemployed, returned to work, what kind of work, full time, part time, temp work. What experience, education levels and opinions.


Click on Proquest Central

Under Browse the Library tab you can find books in the Library(s).  Enter topic in the General Keyword and find topic selections.  For example : Employment agencies.  Search brings you to books and videos. You can request the item by putting in your Student ID#.  You can reserve a book, request it from 11 different library locations, to be picked up at Lettinga Campus.

They will call you when it comes in. Check under My Account for the status of your books on hold, In transit, Ready for pick up.  I found books on Exporting America, The Next Convergence.

Note that it takes 2-3 for books to become available, so plan for time to receive them.

Find Articles –

Click on ProQuest Central

Find Text Articles, Full Text. Publications.

Click on Proquest Central - For magazines, Articles and Database Articles -

Basic Tab - You can read the abstract, and then if you want more, jump to the Full Text.  This is where you might find the most success in looking at articles.  Faster than waiting for ordered books.  Make citations, copy links, keep references.

Advanced Tab – Narrow your search results by topic, authors and subjects.

Search for Topics – Examples Searches such as I found Business and Industry, Human Resource Management, Corporate Culture, Motivation.  To find articles such as - Accountability Increases Ability, or Motivation Without Money, Secret is Training articles.  Click on Full Text, to get this whole article if available.

Publications tab -

Listing of magazines, newspapers, journals – Maybe easier to browse by topic.  Add Narrow by subject, search again.

Search for related articles within publications.

My Research tab – Marked Documents lets you save documents you find useful.  To add documents to your marked items:

With Results displayed--Select the check box to the left of a document title.

With a document displayed--Select the "mark document" check box on the document display page.

Once you have documents marked, you can create your bibliography, email marked documents, export citations, or create a web page with links to your articles.

* The maximum number of documents you can save is 50.

Good data base for business:

1. Pro-quest - general research
2. Standard & Poor's Net Advantage - financial and business information
3. Mintel or Demographics Now  - Demographic market research report
4. Checkpoint - Accounting

How to start a research: Start from keywords. Keyword research generally results in large amount of information. Narrow down the information  by select one of the subjects that usually come up after keyword research. Information goes from general to specific after both keyword and subject searching.

How to structure a research paper: Draft a outline for the research topic, then use database to search for relevant information. In the process of reading articles found, one might want change the structure a little. That is fine because after reading all the research found, one tend to have more understanding about the topic and will change the outline to a better structure.

How to incorporate other people's article: Whenever other people's work is used, a citation is needed. It is not suggested to read off an article and think that particular article covers everything you want to write in your paper. This will very likely become plagiarism. Instead, have your own paper structure, and use the article to support one of your points.

Key Word Search:

• For this particular research use words: “residential student”, “on-campus”, “higher education”, etc.
• If articles use the term “on-campus” instead of “residential student” and the search is for “residential student” only, the potentially relevant article will not be retrieved.
• Do not use phrases in the search.
• Be careful not to be too descriptive.
• It takes time and multiple searches to find the right information with the databases.


• When searching databases, click on the “Scholarly Journals” tab to sort out news articles.

• The following databases were recommended for this particular topic to be relevant and useful.

-ProQuest Central
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- OLCL First Search, ERIC

• Full-Text Articles
• Database results may not retrieve full-text articles, but abstracts instead.
• If I retrieve an abstract that is applicable to my research and want to read the full article, I should contact library via e-mail to request the full article.

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Other Management: Summary of meeting notes with librarian
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