Puffy Pop Popcorn Company
Request for Quotations
Puffy Pop Popcorn Co. is a subsidiary of Great Plains Grocery, Inc., a supermarket chain serving five Midwestern states. Each month, Great Plains’ stores collectively sell an average of 5,000 pounds of pop corn kernels in one-pound plastic sacks. It sells the popcorn under the house brand name of Puffy Pop.
Puffy Pop is looking for a new supplier of popcorn. The supplier must be able to meet the following requirements:
Supply popcorn kernels that pop to a clean white color.
Supply popcorn that produces fewer than 1% “old maids” (i.e., kernels that do not pop after cooking).
Is capable of bagging the popcorn in plastic bags that hold one-pound of corn kernels. The bags will be supplied by Puffy Pop.
Will supply Great Plains’ central warehouse in Desmoines, Iowa, with 3,500 one-pound bags of popcorn kernels each month and will have the capacity to add up to 2,000 additional bags – given one month’s prior notice – to meet changing levels of demand.
Only vendors who have experience in supplying popcorn kernels to retailers should submit bids. At the time of the bid submittal, bidders should provide a one-pound quantity of their product which Puffy Pop can test.
Bids should contain the following information:
Point of contact at the vendor facility. Include name, telephone number, fax number, address, and e-mail address.
Names of three clients who currently are supplied with popcorn kernels by the bidder. Phone numbers of these people should also be supplied.
Summary of corporate capabilities, including a brief history of experience in supplying clients with popcorn kernels.
Price per pound of popcorn kernels delivered to Great Plains’s Desmoines warehouse.
A brief statement of back-up plans in the event that the vendor is unable to supply the required quantities of popcorn.
Bids should be submitted by XX/YY/20zz.