
Summary about television media


Television Survey

Select a current news story that is covered on both local and network television news (if you don't have TV you may view it online). Choose a topic that is connected to our democracy and try to avoid fluff story (celebrities, shorts, etc.) unless there are broader implications than pop culture. View 2 local broadcasts (ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, WB, independent, etc.). Then watch the same story on two networks or national broadcasts (NBC Nightly News, CBS Evening News, ABC World News, FOX News, MSNBC, CNN, etc.). If possible, try to select four different media sources for the assignment. For example, if your local coverage is ABC and Fox, you don't have to use ABC and Fox for the network broadcast. But do try to review the story from all 4 perspectives on the same day.

Topic of the story:

Please answer the questions below as best as you can.

Local news affiliate (LNA1)

Local news affiliate (LNA2)

Network news affiliate (NNA1)

Network news affiliate (NNA2)

Please indicate the local affiliates and networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and WB).





The point in the broadcast it aired (lead story, 3rd story, etc.).





Length of story.





Did the coverage have any bias towards the individual/s or the subject matter (if applicable)?
Y (Yes), N (No), or U (unclear)





If so was it favorable (F) or unfavorable (UF)?





Additional observations here.





Television Media Summary (1 page, double-spaced)

1. Summarize your findings about the coverage by various media outlets. Provide as many specific examples as you can. Things to consider are: if it is partisan or bi-partisan, do the network broadcasts have a different viewpoints, offer more, less or a different perspective than the local broadcasts? What about the two local broadcasts: how are they different or the same? When in the broadcasts were they shown? Why do you think they are different (if applicable)?

2. Reflect on your findings and draw conclusions about the way a story is covered on television to evaluate what potential impact it may have on US democracy. The impact can be on local democracy, national democracy or both.

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Other Subject: Summary about television media
Reference No:- TGS02050881

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