
Summarizes what they learned in this interview about the


Students will conduct a formal interview, submit their notes, and include the interview in the course's final essay, contextualizing their subject's responses with the course reading and lecture materials.

It is the student's responsibility to secure an interview with someone who lived through the 1960s-1970s.

Students will create their own interview questions (sample questions are provided: ). Students must demonstrate respect of their interviewee and opposing views that s/he might have in conflict with their student's own views.

In Week 5, students will submit a 2-3 page essay that summarizes what they learned in this interview about the 1960s-1970s from a first-hand perspective.

The focus should be on why this was such a period of upheaval. In addition to the short essay, students will also submit the list of questions asked, the date of the interview, the location of the interview, and the interviewee's name.


2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced (font size 12pt, Times New Roman preferable), with page numbers

Clear thesis, underlined and stated in the introduction paragraph.

Carefully proofread

All sources cited in MLA or Chicago Style

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History: Summarizes what they learned in this interview about the
Reference No:- TGS02836987

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