Assignment: Best Practices for Data Integrity
This presentation assignment is specifically designed to give students the opportunity to present best practices in data integrity.
Imagine that you are training a set of interns in the area of data warehousing. You have decided to start their training with a presentation on the importance of data integrity. Create a six- to eight-slide PowerPoint presentation with "speaker notes" that presents best practices for data integrity. Ensure that these points, at minimum, are discussed: preventing duplicate data and the role of primary/unique record keys. You may also find it helpful to include some key points from this ISACA article: Data Integrity: Information Security's Poor Relation.
The following critical elements will be addressed in this submission:
- Summarizes the best practices for data integrity
- Identifies ways of preventing duplicate data
- Discusses the role of primary/unique record keys.
- Includes accurate interrelation of sources used ("speaker notes") to further the overall presentation
Guidelines for Submission: In addition to the six- to eight-slide PowerPoint presentation, a slide with "speaker notes" is required for references. Use appropriate APA style citations.