
Summarize three ways that diversity has influenced the

Discussion 1

Workplace Changes

Since the dawn of this nation, there have been debates over immigration, education, language, voting rights, and lifestyles. Knowledge of history as well as contemporary best practices can help to understand some of the crucial concerns that led businesses to focus on diversity. Workplace diversity practices help organizations understand the impact that cultural and ethnic differences have in the boardroom and in the marketplace. Summarize three ways that diversity has influenced the workplace as described in the assigned readings. Rank them in order of importance and justify your ranking.

Discussion 2

Unintentional Bias

Go to https://www.understandingprejudice.org/iat/ and take the Implicit Association Test for race and gender. What did these tests teach you about yourself in terms of your conscious and unconscious beliefs and your own communication style? Did watching the video at INTELECOM The Implicit Association Test Website, (retrieved from https://www.intelecomonline.net) confirm your initial reaction to the test.

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Business Management: Summarize three ways that diversity has influenced the
Reference No:- TGS01693287

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