
Summarize the type of research used in the article as


Sampling Considerations-Katie Del Rio

Summarize the type of research used in the article, as defined by the text.

The type of research for this article is qualitative research using a descriptive design. According to (Leedy& Ormrod, 2016) "qualitative research encompasses a number of methodologies that are in some respects quite different from one another" (p. 252). In qualitative research they use methods that have occurred and that are currently occurring. In qualitative research the focus is on humans and things that we may create.

Describe the sampling procedure that was used to recruit the participants, as defined by the text.

In the article there were private interviews that were administered in person (n=42) or over the telephone (n=13), the researchers were trained in qualitative interviewing techniques (Livingston, Crocker, Nicholls, &Seto, 2016). The researchers had used semi-structured guides and unscripted questions to probe the participant's experiences (Livingston, Crocker, Nicholls, &Seto, 2016).

Each interview lasted about 60 minutes (Livingston, Crocker, Nicholls, &Seto, 2016). They were also recorded and then transcript. A denaturalized approach was used so that they could capture verbatim statements, and not speech errors, pauses or involuntary vocalizations (Oliver, Serovich, & Mason, 2005).

The participants that were part of this received $20 just for participating. Before this procedure was conducted there was ethics approval from the universities and health care institutions in BC, Ontario and Quebec (Livingston, Crocker, Nicholls, &Seto, 2016). Consent was also provided by the participants.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the method of sampling used.

In this method there were some conflicting results. The following five intersecting themes were produced: (1) constrained voice, (2) respectful process, (3) balancing interests, (4) unexpected outcomes, and (5) feeling stuck (Livingston, Crocker, Nicholls, &Seto, 2016).

These results can be both an advantage and disadvantage. I some cases the participant may feel as their voice is being heard and in some they may not feel that anyone cares. That would then make one wonder if the information provided is credible.

Evaluate whether the sampling procedure was appropriate for the type of research, and whether it allowed the researcher to answer the research question or questions.

I do believe that the procedure was appropriate for this article. This method helps understand the therapeutic jurisprudence (Livingston, Crocker, Nicholls, &Seto, 2016). In much of the results it produced much influence. The participants' voices felt as though they were being heard. Although in some of the cases the families felt as though they should have been a part of the study.

"The results expose various tensions, such as relative benefits of having voice versus remaining silent, that problematize the application of procedural justice theory to the unique context of forensic mental health tribunals" (Livingston, Crocker, Nicholls, &Seto, 2016, p.183).

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