
Summarize the theory of victimization

Research the criminological and victimization theories presented in the group lists below.

Select two (2) criminological theories (Group 1), two (2) theories of victimization (Group 2), and fill in the chart below using the following instructions. You will be graded on four (4) theories in total (excluding the pre-filled example):

Group 1 - Select two (2) of the following: Bio-social Theory; Psychological Theory; Social Structure Theory; Social Process Theory; Social Conflict Theory; Labeling Theory; or Developmental Theory.

Group 2 - Select two (2) of the following: Deviant Place Theory; Routine Activity Theory; Deviant Lifestyle Theory; or Victim Precipitation Theory.

1. Summarize the theory of victimization, describing its meaning and core concepts as it relates to the nature of crime.

2. Identify subcategories of the theory and describe each.

3. Apply the theory to one (1) real life example or scenario. Briefly explain why the theory applies to the example you identified.

4. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources

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Reference No:- TGS01782296

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