Assignment task: Ayana is 16 years old. Ayana currently lives with her mother, who works two jobs. Ayana has two siblings, ages five and seven, whom she often cares for after school. She has had 11 unexcused absences from school in the past 45 days. Ayana drinks alcohol with older friends daily. Recently, Ayana has started taking Vicodin, a prescription opioid medication, on the weekends with her friends. Her mother found the opioid pills in Ayana's coat pocket and brought her to a mental health facility to request an evaluation and treatment for the teen.
1. Summarize the reasons for the assessment referral. Feel free to add details to the original scenario description if needed.
2. State the main objectives of your assessment plan. You could approach your objectives in multiple ways, depending on what you identify as the main assessment needs in the given situation. Your objectives should include three to five main goals to achieve using the assessment tools.
3. Choose three psychological tests from the Mental Measurements Yearbook of Tests in Print database in the Purdue Global Library to assess the test taker. Describe each test in detail, including the construct(s) it measures, the type of scale it uses, the item type(s), the number of items, and other test characteristics.
4. Provide evidence-based explanations for each test you chose.
- Provide evidence that each psychological tool is reliable (e.g., demonstrates test-retest, parallel-forms, alternative forms, split-half, internal consistency, or inter-scorer reliability).
- Provide evidence from scholarly sources demonstrating that each tool is valid (e.g., evidence of face validity, content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity).
5. Explain what types of recommendations this assessment plan would allow you to make.
6. Describe any limitations to your assessment plan for the assessment purposes.