
Summarize the procedures used in the salem

When did the Salem witch trials take place?

How many people died?

Click on "History of Witchcraft Persecutions"

Was this the first time people had been tried as witches? Summarize the where, when, and who of the history.

Click on "Biographies." Identify the following (you may need to click on the blue hyperlink):

Sarah Goode:


Samuel Parris:

Rebecca Nurse:

John Proctor:

Elizabeth Proctor:

Sir William Phips:

How did people avoid execution?

Why did the land suffer along with the people?

When did the witch trials end?

The Salem Witchcraft Trials HYPERLINK "https://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/salem/salem.htm" https://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/salem/salem.htm

Click on "Selected Images" and look at the pictures.

Under "Petitions of Accused Witches," read and summarize the petitions of:

Mary Easty:

John Proctor:

Summarize the procedures used in the Salem Trials.

Read and summarize "The Man of Iron," a record of the fate of Giles Corey.

Explain why the hysteria finally ended:

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English: Summarize the procedures used in the salem
Reference No:- TGS01160129

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Anonymous user

4/29/2016 6:36:23 AM

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