
Summarize the most important aspects of the character of

Essay Assignment

Instructions for Essay #1 and Essay#2

Essay 1: A Distinctive Woman of the Hebrew Torah or Old Testament

Skills: Critical Reading, Analysis of Concept and Language, Academic Writing, Research, and Reflection(Summary, Analysis, Reflection)

Length: 1000 - 1200 words (4-6 pages); paragraphs should be ½-3/4 of a page

Sources: Primary -The Bible (from any readings through Module 3)

Secondary -(1) scholarly article from Keiss Library database (Use only: MLA Bibliography, Humanities Full Text, and Academic Search Complete); (2) credible website source (.org, .edu, .gov) or one on our Websites for Assignments page.

Introductory and Concluding Paragraphs:(see instructions below)

Inside Paragraphs:

Part I --Summarize the most important aspects of the character of the woman in the Bible about which you are writing and why you are writing about her.

Part II --Summarize the main argument of the scholar's perspective; include specifically what evidence you think is effective and/or ineffective and explain why.

Part III -- Reflect on the three sources you have studied - the Bible, the scholarly essay, and the credible website -- and consider these questions: What in these sources surprised or intrigued you? What in these sources did you agree or disagree with and why? What has been the reputation of this character from the Bible, and what is your opinion of that reputation? How does studying this character affect your perspective of the Bible? How do you feel about Biblical and scholarly traditions in analyzing this character?

REQUIRED: 1 scholarly article source (peer-reviewed) from a Keiss Library scholarly database (see above); one to two full sentences quoted.Credible website (text). Works Cited list required; MLA format citations.

IMPORTANT: See essay format guidelines at end of syllabus.

For scholarly databases search: Check "Peer reviewed" and "Linked full text."

Essay 2: A Distinctive Woman of the New Testament

The same instructions apply as for Essay #1 but using the New Testament as the Primary Source.

Use these questions to help you articulate your opinions for the essays:

- What are the text's assumptions, regarding gender roles and definitions? What are clues for this?

- What are the images of men, women, animals, or nature? Are they connected?

- Is there conflict in this text, and do you think it is resolved? (Conflict can be shown between two persons, between cultures or faiths, between opposing ideas, between families, etc.)

- What values are implied, such as moral, class, nationality, gender, or economic?

- What are your thoughts on this subject and how were they influenced by reading about it?

Essay Structure

The first paragraph should introduce (1) your subject, your interest in her, and your focus (leadership, faith, family, etc.); (2) the sources you will bring into the essay, their perspectives, and why you have found them useful; leading to (3) your thesis at the end of the paragraph, i.e., what is the problem, and what is the solution? Always introduce scholarly articles by title and author's full name. After that, only refer to an author by last name. If your essay is written persuasively (logically, reasonably, showing patterns that your readers can identify), your thesis will be credible. THESIS sample: Problem (narrow interpretation of Eve as a character ) + Solution (perspective of Eve in a literary work such as Paradise Lost and/or another work of literature and/or in a contemporary spiritual group today).

The inside paragraphs should each focus on one topic (her character, her family, her challenges, her reputation in literature). Your task is then to explain why this is significant, including a quotation from the scholar and/or the source (no more than two in each paragraph) supporting your points. Be sure to EXPLAIN and DEFEND why you are including this topic in your essay - it should have a clear connection to your thesis. At the end of each inside paragraph should be a paragraph point, a concluding sentence that establishes the connection of this topic to the thesis and essay overall. Quotations should not be longer than two typed lines, as a general rule (do not INDENT quotations). The components of an inside paragraph are: (1) topic sentence; (2) explanation, examples, and quotations; and (3) a paragraph point.

The last paragraph should include (1) any concluding thoughts you have about this topic you have explored in your essay. This paragraph should also include (2) a reiteration of your thesis in its fullest, most developed form, as well as (3) your evaluation of studying this Biblical character after your experience of researching and writing this essay. What can students of the Bible learn from such a study?

Works Cited Page (required on both essays)

Remember to include a Works Cited section at the end of your papers. These should conform to the MLA format.

Sample: Scholarly essay

Terry, Linda. "Victor and Elizabeth Need a Pre-Nup: Frankenstein's Marriage Conflicts." Studies in Romanticism 58.3 (Spring 2004): 147-160. Print.

Essay format guidelines:

Essays must be computer-processed in 12 font, Times New Roman, with 1.25" margins (all sides) on white paper; name, date, essay title, word count, course number, and instructor's name in top right corner; all pages numbered; double-spaced; no bolding, listing, or bulleting formats; no indenting of quotations or dialogue. Essays must adhere to all assignment requirements for potential full grade credit. See also Grading Guide (specific list of items) on Blackboard.


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