
Summarize the main features of ada

Answer the below in 200 words each and use APA format:

Question 1

Alice was a strong performer with an MBA. She was replaced by a 44 year old with an MBA during a recent downsizing of her organization. Alice is 60 years old. Discuss whether Alice is able to sue for discrimination, and support your answer by referring to employment law.

Question 2

Summarize the main features of the ADA and include an example of a "qualified individual" and a "reasonable accommodation".

Question 3

Critical thinking/problem solving and information technology application are two skills expected to increase in value. Discuss how HRM can boost profitability, building these capabilities.

Question 4

Describe six competencies important to today's human resource manager. How may the HR manager demonstrate his or her mastery of this knowledge?

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Other Management: Summarize the main features of ada
Reference No:- TGS01785635

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