
Summarize the job responsibilities and career outlook for


MUST be based in the United States

Review and report on the American Sociological Association, another professional association, and a sociology-related career. You want to share what you learned about both Associations.


1. Choose and identify ONE of these sociology-related careers:

Colleges and Universities OR Social Services

2. Utilizing the most current government data available, determine and describe the distribution for your occupation based on at least one socio-demographic characteristic (e.g.. age, race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, SES). In order to do this, you will need to access the Statistical Abstract of the United States

What proportion of the occupation is women? Men?

3. For your chosen occupation, determine the difference in median weekly earnings between people based on your previously chosen socio-demographic characteristic (i.e. women and men who are full-time wage and salary workers.)

4. Summarize the job responsibilities and career outlook for your chosen occupation. Is this in line with what you expected to find? Why, why not? How will this fit into your current life and experience.

The submission MUST be at least 250 words.

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Dissertation: Summarize the job responsibilities and career outlook for
Reference No:- TGS02841702

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