
Summarize the intended organization


Interview a manager (in person or by phone) and answer the following questions.

Section 1. Briefly summarize the “intended organization” (i.e., the organization that the manager is hoping for). Documents such as the mission statement, vision statement, and value statements can also offer a great deal of insight into the intended organization.  Any documents that you obtain (or summaries of the documents) may be included in an optional appendix that does not count toward the two-page guideline.

Section 2. Briefly summarize how the “actual organization” (i.e., what the organization is actually like) is different from the “intended organization.”

Section 3. Use course material (theories, concepts, etc.) to offer suggestions (in your report) as to how the manager might close the gap between the intended and actual organization. I expect you to show me that you have read, understood, and are able to appeal to a variety of concepts and theories covered in this course.

The report should be 2 pages, doubled spaced, one inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font.

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Reference No:- TGS01435650

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