
Summarize the information obtained from the interview

Question: Functional Assessment Report

Beginning this week and continuing through Unit 9, you will be creating a functional assessment report based on a case study. The report you will create has three sections: Section 2 is due this week, and the complete report, including Sections 1 and 3, will be due in Unit 9.

Some portions of your report may change over this and the next three units. These changes may be quite appropriate as you learn about, consider, and discuss different treatment procedures.

To begin, read the case study about Luther in your Miltenberger text, pages 261-263. Examples illustrating this type of assessment are included in your Cooper, Heron, and Heward (2007) text for the following case studies:

Brian - Multiple Functions of Problem Behavior (pages 514-516).

Kaitlyn - Attention Function for Problem Behavior (pages 516-519).

DeShawn - Automatic Function of Problem Behavior (pages 519-521).

Lorraine - Multiple Topographies That Serve Multiple Functions (pages 521-523).

Functional Assessment Report Structure and Content -

Section 1 -

Summarize the case.

Summarize the information obtained from the interview.

Summarize the ABC data.

Section 2 -

Identify the hypothesis. On the basis of this information, describe Luther's problem behavior and your initial hypothesis about the function of his problem behavior.

Describe the functional analysis conditions. On the basis of the information from the interview and ABC observations, describe the functional analysis procedure you will use to confirm your hypothesis about the function of the problem. Describe the two functional analysis conditions you will have the nurses conduct with Luther. Describe the type of results you expect from the functional analysis procedure.

Identify treatment procedures. Based on the hypothesized results from the functional analysis procedure, use the information on antecedents and consequences of the problem behavior to develop interventions. This section may likely change over the next few units; however, begin with your first draft of recommended treatment based on the knowledge and understanding you have at this time.

Section 3 -

Discuss expected results and risks if any.

What strategies would you implement to promote generalization?

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Dissertation: Summarize the information obtained from the interview
Reference No:- TGS02295796

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