
Summarize the follower-focused leadership theories servant

Choose a leader from history whom you admire. Similarly to the Barnes, Humphreys, Oyler, Pane Haden, and Novicevic (2013) article that profiles Jerry Garcia, discuss which leadership style discussed in this unit was employed by your admired leader. Begin with a summary of the approaches and theories discussed in this unit.

Be sure to include the following in your essay:

Summarize Bass' leadership approaches.

Summarize the follower-focused leadership theories: servant leadership, authentic leadership, and leader- member exchange (LMX).

Discuss the concept of leadership and the importance of leadership, and explain why you selected the style you chose for your leader.

Discuss the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the style exhibited by the leader you selected.

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Business Management: Summarize the follower-focused leadership theories servant
Reference No:- TGS02180005

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