
Summarize the crowns cork and seal strategy

Problem 1: Pick your top 3 favorite business examples from chapter 6 and explain why you picked those examples.

Problem 2: Summarize how proximate objectives, resolving ambiguity, taking a position and creating options, and creating a hierarchy of objectives are related and support each other.

Problem 3: Summarize the Crown's Cork and Seal Strategy.

Problem 4: Sinek states, "For a WHY to have the power to move people, it must not only be clear, it must be amplified to reach enough people to tip the scale."

How does the Golden Circle Cone support this statement?

Provide an example of how you have seen this work or not work in your company or a company you are familiar with.

Problem 5: How would you apply Ron Bruder's crosswalk example's premise in pursuing a business opportunity?

Problem 6: What does Sinek say is the difficulty in putting a differentiating business proposition into business terms?

Problem 7: How does Sinek state this can be mitigated?

Problem 8: Summarize the key points Sinek discusses regarding the importance of symbols in the marketplace.

Use Sinek's citations to support the key points you selected.

What is your experience with symbols?

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