
Summarize only relevant research key paradigms

Topic :

How French cinema's depiction of WWII since 2000.

Look at the historical perspective of the films, how they participate in the production of collective memory that reinforces the perpetuation of French national identity.

Look for academic sources.


1.The Pianist - Roman Polanski

2.Larme du crime

3.Le Chat Des Maries - Karin Albou

Part 1( 300 words)

Brief statement of research question significance

Statement of main issues to be addressed

Statement concerning films to be discussed

Part 2 (1-2pages)

Background and justification

Includes introductory background information relating to the topic, historic background, cultural context, national or transnational context, and elements that call to be examined through an introduction of a problem

Part 3 (1-2 pages)

Issues to be addressed

Includes statement of the question (the primary question that you are trying to answer and somesecondary questions) a discussion of your objective in answering these questions, the way you are to approach the topic and elements that will not be examined in your research.

Part 4 (2-3 pages)

Review of literature (how thetopic has been addressed in published works)

1.summarize only relevant research key paradigms, modelstheories, approach

2. identify the limitations of past research on the question

3. specify the relevant contributions on which your research is built

4. Review should be synthesizing: show the themes in the literature; DO NOT summarize atlength any one piece unless it is the dominant paradigm: demonstrate control of scholarship; use direct quotes; be highly selective in references that are directly cited, use APA style consistently.

Part 5( 2-3 pages)

Critical Analysis of films/ under examination

A discussion of key issues in the analysis of the studied films. The analysis can be textual, looking at the actual content of the film, or analysis of reception ( how the film was received by viewers and critics), of the films international distribution and festival life.

Part 6

Reverences (APA)

1. list only cited references
2. keep short but complete
3. include literature that one must know to do this project
4. list the films that the research studied and referred to.

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Dissertation: Summarize only relevant research key paradigms
Reference No:- TGS01387454

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