
Summarize in your own words the reading assignment and

1. Give some critical thought to what you found especially important or new in what you studied in this module.

2. Summarize, in your own words, the reading assignment and learning objectives for the module, considering:

a. What is significant to an investigator? Why?

b. What information is useful? Why?

c. What level of detail is effective? Why?

3. Provide sources of any information not originated by you. Follow APA style for all citations and references.

4. Use the spelling, word usage, and punctuation expected in an upper-level college course.

5. Use a 12-pt. font and double-line spacing, not to exceed two pages in length. Do not use a cover page or reference page

6. Use page header and include your name, activity number, topic, and page number.

7. Use your last name, "Review" and the review number in the file name. For example, Anderson_Review1.

8. Use the Activity link to submit (upload) your work by the deadline and as directed in the module activity.

9. Review the feedback you receive on your paper from the instructor and make revisions as appropriate.

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Reference No:- TGS0998167

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