In Poe's tale, King Pest the narration is divided into 3 parts:
Where we meet both the two characters, "Legs and Hugh Tarpaulin" and their experiences at the "Jolly Tar". Note the contrary meanings in the characters names and the name of the sign,"Jolly Tar".
The introduction of the "Plague" (240), before their entrance into the undertaker (242).
And beginning with, "the room within which they found themselves proved to be the shop of an undertaker, but an open trap-door, in a corner of the floor near the entrance (242,?).
Summarize in two paragraphs how "Legs and Huge Tarpauin" offended the "King Pest" royal family starting with the introduction of the plague.(240) and ending with the two running off with the 'fat lady' and the 'Arch Duchess Ana-Pest"