Summarize how the era can be ratified

Problem: Summarize how the ERA can be ratified and explain why this is the most likely way. You will draw on instances that are important to you and make your argument as for why we need the Equal Rights Amendment. Such examples can include, but are not limited to: Women's Rights, Minority Rights, Mandatory Minimums, Codifying Roe and Obergerfell, Equal Pay, Privacy Laws, Prisoner Rights, Health Care (thinking about the Hobby Lobby case for instance). Choose the topic(s) that you are passionate about when formulating your argument for the ratification of the Amendment. ADDITIONAL PROMPTS: Should the wording of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment Links to an external changed to meet the current needs? Explain why or why not. Why were equal rights based on sex not included in the original Constitution? According to proponents of the Equal Rights Amendment, why was the 14th Amendment not sufficient to protect equality for women? Can the Equal Rights Amendment still be legally adopted as the 28th amendment to the Constitution



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Reference No:- TGS03440679

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