
Summarize how lean six sigma could help in this

Assignment Purpose:

To identify a problem and develop and outcomes measure related to the problem

Assignment Description

Step One: The attachment is a scenario (The Belated Lab Test) of a virtual PI team. You are the Health Information representative on this team. Carefully read the scenario

Step Two:  a flow chart of this process needs to be completed, based on the dialog above. You may want to use small Post-It notes and write down each step and put them in order on the table in front of you. Next, read in your text about flowcharting (although you are not officially reading this chapter as part of your course work, it is an excellent reference and you will want to look at the example flow charts and the flowcharting symbols).

Step Three: A formal problem statement that demonstrates what the team is addressing needs to be written.

Step Four: Also, a specific measurable target for improvement should be written.

Step Five: Summarize how Lean Six Sigma could help in this situation.

Step Six: Submit the flowchart, problem statement, outcome target, and summary in one document. You should experiment with the flowcharting tools in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint! On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. Use the various symbols provided for the flowchart.

Helpful Hints:

  1. Your problem statement should be customer focused, performance related, and stated in measurable terms. It should not imply a solution or a cause! Here is an example:

"The current process for delivery, maintenance, storage and purchase of pump controllers is fragmented and inefficient. The result is wasted staff time, lack of available functioning equipment, inappropriate use of space and frustration on the part of the customers."

  1. Your target for improvement must also be stated in measurable terms. For example:

"Pump controllers will be available in proper working order within 10 minutes of request from the floor 95% of the time, beginning in November, 1992.

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Business Management: Summarize how lean six sigma could help in this
Reference No:- TGS02363852

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