Summarize critical issues noted in textbook facing children

Discussion Post: Child Welfare Services

Write an in-depth response to each of the prompts numbered below. Number your response with the question. Each response needs to be at least four sentences in length. Refer to "Writing Rubric" (in the Getting Started Module and the syllabus) for content and grammar guidelines. If you research information outside of the textbook, document your reference after the cited information. Upload your file into the dropbox folder.

After reading Chapter 7, "Child Welfare: Working with Children and Their Families", the Web sites entitled "Tennessee Department of Children Services" on the Readings page, and "Child Abuse Statistics" on the Resources page, and watched the videos,"Life As A Case Manager", and "ReMoved"; write an in-depth response to each question.

• From the textbook reading, summarize the child protective services by outlining and describing its key components; specifically addressing; foster care, permanency planning, and family preservation. You may refer also to the link provided under Resources entitled "Child Protective Services; A Guide for Case Workers".

• Order the steps involved in the intervention process for working with children and families explaining each step.

• State the 3 key social work values/ethics that are identified in the text as primary in working with children and families. Explain what the social worker's key role is for each one.

• Summarize the critical issues noted in the textbook facing children and families and cite at least 2 statistics on current numbers of children abused and neglected. Go to the Resource section under Activities and click on the link provided for Child Abuse Statistics for statistical findings. Highlight some key points that you did not know before.

• Watch the video entitled; "Life As A Case Manager"and "Being a Caseworker". Highlight and describe the significant aspects stated by the case managers in working for child protection services and what are the main skills needed in doing this job.

• Watch the video entitled: "ReMoved". Write about the specific dynamics you observed in the video and key behaviors seen from the child removed. Identify the difference between what the child sees and what case workers see in these situations. Name some ways case workers could make removal much more positive and less stressful for children.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Summarize critical issues noted in textbook facing children
Reference No:- TGS03192002

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