Working on Historical Background where you wIll summarize and synthesize the different approaches/opinions of what a Worldview is.
Do some research on the philosophy of Worldview at least two or three online sources. You might begin your Historical Background with an overall definition or discussion of the meaning of Worldview.
It is mandatory to use the following sources in your Historical Background: Ken Funk "What is a World View"., "Blah, Blah, Blah" by Bayard Taylor. Add other sources (two or three) that you think may contribute to your discussion. Acknowledge all sources, and document them in Works Cited Page.
One's worldview is also referred to as one's philosophy, philosophy of life, mindset, outlook on life, formula for life, ideology, faith, or even religion.
The elements of one's worldview, the beliefs about certain aspects of Reality, are one's
1. epistemology: beliefs about the nature and sources of knowledge;
2. metaphysics: beliefs about the ultimate nature of Reality;
3. cosmology: beliefs about the origins and nature of the universe, life, and especially Man;
4. teleology: beliefs about the meaning and purpose of the universe, its inanimate elements, and its inhabitants;
5. theology: beliefs about the existence and nature of God;
6. anthropology: beliefs about the nature and purpose of Man in general and, oneself in particular;
7. axiology: beliefs about the nature of value, what is good and bad, what is right and wrong.