Create a 2500 words:
• We are asked to summarize and outline legal issues in the McArdle Estate v. Cox, required to provide in-text legal citations when discuss those legal judgments. Specifically, when outline facts or legal issues it needs to refer to a specific paragraph in which that piece of information was found.
• Does the answer demonstrate knowledge of the topic?
• Is the analysis appropriate in method, scope, and depth?
• Are ideas or concepts logically connected?
• Is the answer relevant to the question posed?
• Does the answer the engage the course material.?
• In the answer in a style appropriate for good academic communication?
• Is the flow of ideas logical and easy to follow?
• Is English usage and spelling correct?
• Are quotations properly referenced?
• Do references and bibliographies adhere to APA (and to McGill style for legal citations)
• Does the answer meet the page limit or word?
• Does the answer adhere to the standards for academic integrity?